
Fourth Grade Overview

Although still deep in the heart of childhood, the fourth grader is gaining intellectual ground, realizing they are an individual among many—and must appreciate differences. Who are we? How do we look? How do you know? We always take time for the “why.” Along with traditional academia, various modules complement this transition: map drawings, mythology, calligraphy, clay modeling, speech work and reading music. Fourth grade is when main lesson books become radiant with vast compositions of self-directed artwork.


4th Grade Curriculum at a Glance


Geography/History: Oregon Geography & History; Lewis and Clark; Native American Cultures

Math: Introduction to Fractions I & II

Mythology: Norse Mythology

Science: Animal Studies

Drama: Class Play

Special Projects: Animal Report, Biography Report


4th Grade Curriculum in Detail


  • Reading: Reading groups provide reading and comprehension practice and exposure to age-level classics; additional reading aloud practice is encouraged at home to further increase fluency

  • Writing: Writing practice occurs in main lesson and LA Skills classes and includes retelling of main lesson stories, descriptive paragraphs using topic sentences, three-paragraph compositions, journal entries, letters, invitations, greeting cards, thank you notes, apologies; creative writing, poetry. Two guided research projects: Animal Report and Biography Report

  • Grammar: Continued practice with punctuation, capitalization, and distinguishing between proper sentences versus fragments and run-ons. Students learn the difference between simple and compound sentences and parts of speech are introduced.

  • Vocabulary: Vocabulary lists are developed from main lesson content; students learn to use dictionaries to discover synonyms and antonyms and practice alphabetizing.

  • Spelling: Weekly list & quiz which includes vocabulary from main lesson, homonyms, frequently confused words, and words which reinforce spelling rules

  • Handwriting Continued practice with cursive writing


  • Times tables (1 – 12) mastery

  • Accuracy and speed with basic computations (no fingers!)

  • Long addition columns, complex subtractions, & making change from $1.00, etc.

  • Double-digit multiplications & short and long division

  • Four operations with fractions

  • Find the LCD and GCF

  • Recognize prime, composite, and square numbers

  • Estimate and round

  • Read graphs and representing data on graphs

  • Continued work with place value, expanded notation, measurement problems, number patterns, reading/writing of numbers, story and logic problems


  • Continued development of listening comprehension, vocabulary, and speaking ability through listening and following, question/answer activities, songs, poems, rhymes, movement exercises, and games

  • Continued work with reading and writing

  • Cultural enrichment activities including celebration of festivals


  • 3 and 4-part rounds and partner songs

  • Singing with harmony parts

  • Vocal warm-ups

  • Music notation with recorders, music theory activities

  • Study of the families of the orchestra


  • Tag games

  • Cooperative games & activities

  • Pre-team sports, games emphasizing skill development and teamwork

  • Kickball

  • Circus: stilts, juggling, tumbling, balancing

  • Yoga

  • Sportsmanship and conflict resolution


  • Watercolor Painting - Local landscapes and animals developed through color exercises

  • Form Drawing – braided forms


  • Cross Stitch

  • More advanced sewing stitches: back stitch and invisible stitch

  • Create own designs and patterns in cross stitch

  • Projects: pin cushion & bookmark


  • Introduction to carving tools and safety

  • Simple carved forms (concave & convex)

WELLNESS CURRICULUM & TRUST CIRCLES – Guest presenters/facilitators ( 5-6 per year)

  • Guided class conversations to promote social/emotional awareness and development and good communication
